Reconstructing an original and classic build is all in the nuance; you can't just throw contemporary materials at it and hope for the best!
At Trademark we pride ourselves on our ability to pore over the most minute of details in order to ensure we honour original construction. From bricks and mortar to fixtures and fittings, everything we use will be aligned with the original building unless there is a reason for us not to.
Boulton & Paul Greenhouse Restoration
After a tree fell through their greenhouse, our clients tasked us with saving what we could and rebuilding it to the original Boulton & Paul design. Using theoriginal metalwork including the roof supports and winding gear, we set to work. Sourcing similar bricks to ensure we could keep as much of the original greenhoue structure as possible, we also replaced the garden wall.
We also added in a Northern Light pitch to increase light across the structure.